Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Human are getting worst


Junko Furuta. The girl who went through 44 days of torture.

DAY 1: November 22, 1988: Kidnapped. Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy’s girlfriend. Raped (over 400 times in total). Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away. Starved and malnutritioned. Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink. Forced to masturbate. Forced to strip in front of others. Burned with cigarette lighters. Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus.

DAY 11: December 1, 1988: Severely beat up countless times. Face held against concrete ground and jumped on. Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag. Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through her mouth. Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach. Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn’t accept it). Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms. Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fire. Bottle inserted into her anus, causing injury.

DAY 20: December10, 1989: Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns. Beat with bamboo sticks. Fireworks inserted into anus and lit. Hands smashed by weights and fingernails cracked. Beaten with golf club. Cigarettes inserted into vagina. Beaten with iron rods repeatedly. Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony. Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding.

DAY 30: Hot wax dripped onto face. Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter. Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area. Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers. Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina. Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion. Unable to urinate properly. Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to crawl downstairs and use the bathroom. Eardrums severely damaged. Extreme reduced brain size.

DAY 40: Begged her torturers to “kill her and get it over with”

January 1, 1989: Junko greets the New Years Day alone. Body mutilated. Unable to move from the ground.

DAY 44: January 4, 1989: The four boys beat her mutilated body with an iron barbell, using a loss at the game of Mah-jongg as a pretext. She is profusely bleeding from her mouth and nose. They put a candle’s flame to her face and eyes. Then, lighter fluid was poured onto her legs, arms, face and stomach, and then lit on fire. This final torture lasted for a time of two hours. Junko Furuta died later that day, in pain and alone. Nothing could compare 44 days of suffering she had to go through. When her mother heard the news and details of what had happened to her daughter, she fainted. She had to undergo a psychiatric outpatient treatment . Imagine her endless pain. Her killers are now free men. Justice was never served, not even after 20 years. They deserve a punishment much greater than they had put upon Furuta, for putting an innocent girl through the most unbearable suffering. This story from 1989 is true. Please spread her story around. Everyone should know about the existence of Junko Furuta’s unimaginable and incomprehensible suffering, and this is why this group has been made. Invite your friends. Never let her story be forgotten. If this story changes the life of at least one person then it has been worth it.

Rest In Eternal Peace,
Junko Furuta

Aku terbaca benda ni kat facebook bila Siti Atiqah share. Cerita ni ada kat page  -Admeen Niz.tots.xD bahagian wall photos. Agak tekejut berok lah bila aku baca description yang panjang bejela jela pasai gambaq ni. Terok tahap gaban perempuan ni kena seksa. Saja aku kongsi..sebab admin page tu yang kata "please spread her story around". Sebak bila dapat tau pasai dia, even though she's not a muslim & benda ni dah lama. Tapi kes macam ni tk kira lah apa religion-nya. Sanggup 4 lelaki tu buat dia macam tu. Dah sah depa gila..

Aku ada baca paper Harian Metro kemaren kot, sorang bapak ni yang tengah lalok sebab dadah, sanggup liwat anak sendiri yang baru umur 23 hari, sebab isteri dia tkmau, yalah tengah berpantang kan, agak agak la. Bapak jenis apa aku pon tktau. Dah tu baby tu of course la nangis, boleh pi tutup mulut baby tu dengan tangan yang besaq gedabak tu. Tktaulah pulak melayu ka cina ka india ka kristian ka. Nasib baik baby tu dah ok. Aset bapak dia memang kena tauk buang..menyusah orang je.

Ada lagi satu keluaq kat paper Harian Metro harini, sorang bapak tiri dera anak tiri dia umur 6 tahun guna besi panas & seterika. Meninggal budak tu..nama dia Firdaus. Masa tu mak dia kat hospital kot, sakit apa tktau. Apa benda sangatlah yang budak tu buat sampai bapak tiri dia buat macam tu sekali. Tua setaun dari adik bongsu aku ja. Haih..manusia manusia.

Are we real human or actually we're a beast? Ask yourself.

Semalam aku tidoq pukoi 3 pagi lebih lebih. Well you know, aku ex PMR kan? Tk kelaaaaas la tidoq awai. Mulanya ingat nak tengok Red Water kat star movies, sanggup tunggu sampai pukoi 12 tengah malam, sementara tu tengok #TheVoice. Melampau dak kalau aku kata aku terlampau suka kat Javier? Suara dia memang berbintang bintanglah..dasyat gila. Unfortunately he's a married man ='( Alah macam nak penendang muka sendiri, macamlah aku nak kahwin dengan dia haha. Okay tkpa lupakan. Tengok sikit Red Water tapi tk best sebab cerita lama. Aku dah tengok. So tengoklah HBO, ada Legion. 12am sampai 1.30am. Boleh dikatakan hantu jugaklah..kalau dak buat apa aku macam cacing kepanasan dok ataih sofa tu kan kan haha.

Tapi yang tk bestnya pasai cerita tu, ada kait sekali pasai malaikat Jibril & Mikail. Tapi of course lah tukar nama, Gabriel & Michael. Michael baik dan Gabriel jahat. Kononnya god dalam cerita tu marah kat manusia sebab well you know manusia kan tk sedaq diuntung, jahat nak mampoih. Lepastu Gabriel diperintahkan sebar wabak lebih kurang anjing gila lah kat manusia, so almost ninety percent of the human became monster, and they started to 'eat' real human yang tk kena wabak tu. Aku tengok just for fun..semata mata sebab manusia yang dah berubah tu muka menakutkan macam hantu. Paling takut nenek tu sampai merangkak atas siling, penjual aiskrim nganga mulut tahap luas gila kalah iklan Celcom & budak laki tu berubah suara macam harjadahhh, mimpi habeh aku. Menyampah

Lepas habeh cerita tu, aku masuk bilik & online, buat page 'stars' tu. Saja tk ketahuan nak buat apa semalam. Dah tk mengantok. Download lagu Papi hehe dok aim lagu tu lama dah tapi dah PMR kan. Video clip bessssst, try tengok =)

Esok sekolah dan aku tk perlu bawak buku. Bahagia......ok bye.

p/s: Al-Fatihah untuk arwah Nur Isma Syakinah. =') Aku baru dapat tau yang dia member kakak aku..dan aku penah pi birthday party rumah dia. Aku ingat sebab masa aku pi sana, kuah laksa tumpah atas baju aku. Biasa la budak sekolah rendah lagi, memang comot.

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